on Oct 16th and 17th: Materials were distibuted to 7 remaining Glovis Sangamam schools and all the 6 Project Sangamam school.
Materials were distributed to 53 Glovis Sangamam school in August. Click here to see a report of the same with the details of the materials etc. Seven of the schools did not get covered because we hadnt hired the teachers to send to these schools by that time. The teachers started going to these schools toward the end of Term I. We also hadnt distributed materials to the 6 Project Sangamam Schools.
In term II, we ordered and received the materials for all these schools. We sorted these on the 11th of Sept at our office. On Sept 16tt Rajaram and Srinivasan travelled to the 7 Glovis Sangamam schools and distributed the materials. They also travelled to Pondhavakkam to distribute the English kit to that school. On Sept 17th Venkat and Dharmi Chand travelled the the 6 Project Sangamam schools and distributed the materials there as well.
Click here to see the photos from these distributions.