While there are two mini-schools in Kannigaiper, I talked to the Aruna and Santhameena and the children in their mini-school. I met them on 22nd October. The mini-school has been running right from the first day we started out mini-schools on June 3rd 2020. It was also one of the first schools to start this year. The school has had to move to several locations within the village. It has always been a large mini-school with about 40 children attending.
How was starting the mini-schools immediately after the 1st phase?
Aruna: I was a little afraid. But the parent really wanted the class. That gave me the motivation.
Where all did you run the mini-school?
Aruna: It started at the Perumal Kovil. Then it moved to Meena’s house. Then to my old house (rented). From there to Aruna’s sister’s house. Finally, this year to my own house.
Why did it move so much?
Aruna: There were various problems at each location. The main problem was that the children were a little difficult to control as they were large in number. Children will come very early and be playing outside etc.
Santhameena: The space was a problem especially when it rains. We were having it in the terrace of Aruna’s old house and my house. So it was very difficult during rains.
Was the family and neighbours supportive?
Aruna and Santhameena: Family was very supportive. The neighbours were also very supportive.
How was your financial situation during Corona?
Aruna: My husband runs a shop. People’s spending power was down during Corona. That meant less income from the shop. During lockdowns there was no income. Asha’s salary was critical for our family. We also started construction of our house during this Corona under the government scheme. Asha’s loan was also critical for this.
Santhameena: My father runs a Biriyani shop. There has been no business during the lockdown and even afterwards it has been very poor. So my salary was the only income sustaining the family.
What was your experience running the mini-school?
Aruna: I really enjoyed running the mini-school. I will miss it a lot. I enjoyed the fact that we were running the whole school. Children really related to us.
What was different about running the mini-school?
Aruna: The multi-age aspect of the mini-school was challenging but interesting. We did a lot of activities. Since we had to teach many classes, we need to really do lesson preparation. Teaching classes 6 to 8 was a new experience.
Santhameena: We enjoyed doing the art and craft activities. I had started teaching only one month before Corona started. So I enjoyed the opportunity to teach even during the Corona school closure. There was an incident with two children who came from July to Sept. Their parents had migrated here to work in a rice mill. Two of the children also wanted to join our classes and were apprehensive that there will be fees. They were happy that there were no fees! But then the next day only one of the two girls came to the class. When I asked, the girl said, they had only one notebook between them, so she being the older girl decided to come. When she learnt that Asha will also give notebooks, they were very happy and both girls started coming to the mini-school so long as their family was here.

I talked to several students. In particular the following.
V.Sumanshree Will be going to 6th Std at Pandinallur Higher Sec school. Coming to the mini-school since the beginning.
D.Mahasri Will be going to 3rd std at PUPS Kannigaiper (that we support)
M.Alvina Will be going to 3rd Std at Don Bosco Matriculation school.
Which school did you go to / are you going to go to?
Sumanshree: I was going to Karunya Metriculation school – 4th std before Corona. I dropped out in 5th standard because of the fees. In 6th std I have joined the Govt higher secondary school at Pandinallur.
Mahasri: I studied at Karunya Matriculation school – 1st std before Corona. I dropped out during the 2nd std. I will be joining PUPS Kannigaiper for 3rd std.
What do your parents do?
Sumanshree: We are potters by profession. But during the Corona, as he couldn’t sell many pots, my father became a lorry driver.
Mahasri: Father is a mason and mother is at home.
How was the mini-school?
Sumanshree: I used to be afraid of school. I didn’t know a lot of things. I have learnt a lot in the mini-school. I am not afraid of coming to the mini-school at all. I really enjoyed the Pongal and new-year function.
Others: Exams at schools used to be scary. Here we do not have any fear.
What do you feel about going back to school?
Sumanshree: I am scared. I have to take a bus to the new school. I have never been on a bus on my own. I am not sure if I will like the teachers in the new school. If things do not work out, my parent may pull me out of school.
Mahasri: I look forward to the new school.
Boys: Very excited about going to the school. We can play and meet new friends.